Friday, February 4, 2011

Manditory Bubblewrap - part 1

About now, you must be thinking, “What an arrogant ass this guy is.”  And truly I may be, but not about parenting.  I do not profess to be the best parent in the world, and even frequently question the decisions I make when it comes to my kids.  But maybe that’s a good thing.  Maybe that’s what keeps me in check.  When I start thinking that I’ve got it all figured out, that’s when I’ll start to misjudge the ones I’m raising.   That would be a travesty considering that I already think that most kids are being transformed into over-dependant wienies.
This is not a text that will profess how to make anyone a better parent.  And since I believe that each of us needs to raise our children how we best see fit, that really would be folly.  But within the scope of individual parenting techniques, there are some things that need addressing.  That’s where I come in.  Sort of a glass of cold water in the face.  Generations are going to depend on America’s kids being able to exist and thrive without the ever present umbrella of Big Parent.
This also extends to the choices that are made regarding our kids, but made by others.  First on my list are helmet laws.  I don’t mean motorcycle helmets, although I’m thoroughly against those laws as well (freedom of choice, and all).  I’m talking about the government stepping in and saying that all kids have to wear a helmet when riding a bike.  Here is just part of the NJ law regarding bike helmets:
Title 39:4-10.1
In New Jersey, anyone under 17 years of age that rides a bicycle or is a passenger on a bicycle, or is towed as a passenger by a bicycle must wear a safety helmet.
Initial violators of the helmet law will receive warnings. For minors, the parent or legal guardian may be fined a maximum of $25 for the 1st offense and a maximum of $100 for subsequent offense(s), if lack of parental supervision contributed to the offense.
So, I’m going to be fined if I have a 14 year old that rides his bike a few blocks to go hang out with his friends.  What kind of message is that?  Frankly I don’t give a damn about the fine, but it’s the fact that Uncle Sam thinks they know better.  Hogwash!
Let me say that I actually believe that wearing a helmet is a pretty good idea.  I myself had a motorcycle for a time and I would never go near it without my helmet.  But what is deplorable is the total disregard for the freedom of choice.  You don’t want to wear a helmet?  So be it.  God help you if you hit a curb, or something larger.  But guess what?  IT SHOULD BE YOUR CHOICE!!  Sorry, that’s a bit off track….
It needs to be a parent’s choice whether children should cap their heads when biking.  If this decision is taken out of our hands, what’s next?  Regulation knee, elbow, hand, and shoulder pads?  Why not just invest in a suit of plate armor and send them on their way.  But then what happens in other areas of our lives where we need to choose?  More often than not, the more protective choice is made.   Sometimes that’s correct, but doesn’t need to be so.  It’s just another area where the road more traveled is taken and the kids psyche is smothered.  I can’t lay all the blame at the government’s feet, but it does contribute. 

There will be more on this next stay tuned. 

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